Sky working on a Sky Go app for Windows 8 and Windows Phone. by Surur. 6 years. 0. Sky has not been the greatest supporters of Windows Phone, but they do have some apps on the OS. The biggest missing piece is a Sky Go app for Windows Phone, in UK at least. Now it seems, if we can believe Sky support, that an app
Jan 30, 2018 · The service on Sky Go for Windows and Windows Phone will stop from March 19 according to the company. The notice can be seen on their website and also a pop up in the app mentions the same. The Sky Go desktop app makes it even easier for you to find the programmes you want to watch. And with Sky Mobile, you can watch Sky TV on the go without using your data. Sky Go is included at no extra cost to your Sky TV subscription Take Sky Go with you. Watch when you're out and about via 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi. Live and on demand TV. Stream unmissable shows instantly, live and on demand. Includes Catch Up TV. There's always something great to get stuck into on Sky Go - at no extra cost to your Sky TV Today Sky Go service updated their official Sky Go app on Windows Phone. This update brings only some minor bug fixes on some problems that users were reporting. Those who don’t know Sky go app
Oct 23, 2018 · 5. Open Sky Go, it should now connect and allow you to login successfully. 6. Re-enable your Windows Firewall or other firewall software. 7. Close and re-open Sky Go to check it’s still working. This always works for me now and I’m 99% sure it will work for you too.
Sky Help Forum - Re: windows 8 phone where is the sky app - Help & Support from the Official Sky Forum And also: Sky Help Forum - SkyGo App Windows Phone 8 - Page 3 - Help & Support from the Official Sky Forum I think it's about time they pulled their fingers out and realise Windows Phone owners are just as important as Android and Apple owners.
Jul 02, 2020 · Anche se sei in giro. Anche se la TV è occupata. Anche se sei in modalità “non disturbare”. Con Sky Go decidi tu. Il bello è che oltre a non perderti rigori, derapate e tante sfide sportive di cui sei cintura nera di tifo, trovi film e serie TV imperdibili. E anche quando pensi di aver visto tutto, grazie ai suggerimenti personalizzati potrai scoprire altri titoli in base a quello che
Sep 29, 2019 · How to watch Sky Go on TV and Smart TV (working) - Duration: 16:42. Choosing the best WiFi channel - Windows 10 - Sky Help - Duration: 1:32. Sky Help 37,208 views. 1:32. Skype Support is here to help you with all of your Skype for Windows Phone questions. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use.