The Microsoft Web Platform Installer, or WPI, is a unified installer for web applications and related software. WPI can install PHP, Microsoft SQL Server, the .NET framework and various open

PHP获取当前域名$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] … 2016-7-14 · 开发站群软件,用到了根据访问域名判断子站点的相关问题,PHP获取当前域名有两个变量 $_SERVER[' HTTP_HOST '] 和 $_SERVER[' SERVER_NAME '],两者的区别以及哪个更加可靠? 相同点: 当满足以下三个条件时,两者会输出相同信息。 PHP: $_SERVER - Manual 2020-7-24 · That will give you the result of each variable like (if the file is server_indices.php at the root and Apache Web directory is in E:\web) : PHP_SELF /server_indices.php argv - argc - GATEWAY_INTERFACE CGI/1.1 SERVER_ADDR SERVER_NAME localhost SERVER_SOFTWARE Apache/2.2.22 (Win64) PHP/5.3.13 PHP $_SERVER详解 - ma_fighting - 博客园 2016-9-13 · $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] #当 PHP 运行在 Apache 模块方式下,并且正在使用 HTTP 认证功能,这个变量便是用户输入的用户名。 $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] #当 PHP 运行在 Apache 模块方式下,并且正在使用 HTTP 认证功能,这个变量便是用户

The Microsoft Web Platform Installer, or WPI, is a unified installer for web applications and related software. WPI can install PHP, Microsoft SQL Server, the .NET framework and various open


The location ~* \.php$ means that NGINX will apply this configuration to all .php files (file names are not case sensitive) in your site’s root directory, including any subdirectories containing PHP files. The * in the ~* \.php$ location directive indicates that PHP file names are not case sensitive. This can be removed if you prefer to

Note : If you run the above code on localhost, by default it will show the server name as localhost. If the script is running on a virtual host, the name of the virtual host set, will be returned as server name. PHP: $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] variable fetches the server identification string. The string is provided PHP 全局变量 - 超全局变量 PHP $_REQUEST PHP $_REQUEST 用于收集 HTML 表单提交的数据。 下面的例子展示了一个包含输入字段及提交按钮的表单。当用户通过点击提交按钮来提交表单数据时, 表单数据将发送到

标签的 action 属性中指定的脚本文件。 nginx 配置文件里server_name为_是什么意思? …