2015-11-13 · Deluge webui setup and client access: For now onwards we shall only use the id “pi” to login to raspberry. All configuration and the service shall run as the user “pi” To Start the configuration use the following command: deluge-web&
2020-7-6 · Mobile UI for the Deluge torrent client. Contribute to RangerRick/deluge-mobile development by creating an account on GitHub. 下载工具系列——Deluge (全平台BT/PT下载工具) | … 2017-9-25 · 一.介绍 Deluge是通过PyGTK来实现图形界面的,所以也就有了方便全平台的基础,当然,也有不带图形界面的命令行版本以及Web界面的版本,它的后端使用了libtorrent,自06年第一个版本放出以来,Deluge经历了很多更新,也增加了很多功能以及 Aria2、utorrent、Deluge、Transmission … 2020-1-13 · 说明:最近看到很多小伙伴对离线下载啥的,兴趣蛮大,博主以前也水了不少了BT下载相关的脚本和安装,不过都没Docker简单,这里就找了一些用的人比较多,也经常在维护的BT离线程序的Docker镜像,包括Aria2、utorrent、Deluge、Transmission、Rutorrent、Qbittorrent,算是比较全了,这 … Install deluge torrent with webui on Ubuntu
Deluge Daemon+WebUI在Ubuntu/Debian下一 …
6. Now within the “Interface” screen, you can set the password (1. First, you will need to specify the original password in the “Old password” textbox, which in a first-run case, this will be “deluge“. Next, specify your desired password in both the “New Password:” and “Confirm Password:” text fields. Once you are all set, click the “Change” button (2. deluge webui不能添加部分torrent种子解决记录 - … 2014-2-8 · deluge webui不能添加部分torrent种子解决记录 顶 原 YuKunYi 发布于 2014/02/08 16:27 字数 293 阅读 3.6K 收藏 0 点赞 0 评论 0 python deluge 【推荐阅读】微服务还能火多久 qBittorrent+Deluge+rTorrent+Transmission+H5ai …
2018-6-5 · Deluge can be setup in such a way that a Deluge daemon, deluged, can be setup on a central computer, server, which can then be accessed and controlled by other computers, clients, using one of Deluge's UIs. Both the Deluge client and daemon need to be the same major versions, i.e. both 1.2.x or both 1.3.x. Deluge Daemon Setup
How To Use Deluge WebUI On Linux - AddictiveTips