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Microsoft therefore, the setting "UseDefaultCredentials" of WebProxy to true is identical to the following code (for IWebProxy): IWebProxy proxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy(); therefore, the setting "UseDefaultCredentials" of WebProxy to true is ===== IWebProxy proxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy(); proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; ===== Hope this helps. Sincerely, Steven Cheng Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead How do I get WebProxy to work in HttpWebRequest? Extracting the responding IP adress from a Broadcast transmission (over UDP socket) how to store pointer adress in a char* WebProxy url : web method call intermittently failing; XML and WebProxy; System.Net.WebProxy.GetDefaultProxy() and proxy servers; WebProxy.GetDefaultProxy is empty. WebProxy Do You Need Office 365 Help? Most Office 365 customers don't realize they're entitled to better quality support than Microsoft provides.If you're purchasing licenses from Microsoft or elsewhere, you can easily make us your Cloud Solution Provider and you'll be automatically enrolled in Support Plus.
therefore, the setting "UseDefaultCredentials" of WebProxy to true is ===== IWebProxy proxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy(); proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; ===== Hope this helps. Sincerely, Steven Cheng Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead
Examples. The following code example creates a WebProxy object and calls this method to get the proxy that is selected for a resource. // The following method creates a WebProxy object that uses Internet Explorer's // detected script if it is found in the registry; otherwise, it // tries to use Web proxy auto-discovery to set the proxy used for // the request. void On the outset, every information is now just a click away; thanks to the Internet. But many websites on the Internet are restricted. In short, you need to have a pass to get access; free proxy sites will give you the pass. I was able to get proxy working with HttpRequestMessage by attaching the proxy by using HttpClientHandler and HttpClient (explained above). And then using HttpClient.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage) to send the message. Unblock Youtube with SudoProxy free SSL web proxy. Use SudoProxy to unblock restricted websites in any country. Surf website anonymously hiding IP address and online identity with SudoProxy Free SSL web proxy.
Remarks The WebProxy class contains the proxy settings that WebRequest instances use to override the proxy settings in GlobalProxySelection.. The WebProxy class is the base implementation of the IWebProxy interface.
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